Friday, February 27, 2009

Mind your Mind!

"Sri Sri: There are three causes for illness. Illness is either a violation of natural law or is imposed by nature or is a release of past impressions or Karma.

The first cause is due to the Karma of the previous lives. Karma means impressions in the consciousness.

Another cause is when you violate the laws of nature. Take the case of overeating. In spite of knowing what you should not eat, you eat that.

The third cause is inflicted by nature. You are living according to the laws of nature, yet suddenly there is a case of common cold and everyone catches the cold. An epidemic spreads in Ethiopia and everybody suffers from yellow fever or malaria. This is inflicted by nature.

Nature itself provides the cure for these illnesses. If you have some illness it may be because there is something wrong with the food. There could be some conflicts in the consciousness, in the mind. The solution is to meditate, let go of the conflicts and have proper food.
When it is detected early, all these things come to the rescue. Health and illness are a part of physical nature. You should not worry too much about it. When you worry about illness, you are giving more power to the illness. You are a combination of health and illness. When you keep that in mind and have a positive state of mind, then illnesses change. "

As Guruji, rightly says, "With a positive state of mind, your illnesses change."

Many of us think that keeping fit means, physically strong, having a good built, away from diseases.
Yes it is right, but have you ever wondered that you mind plays a big role in your fitness and well being.
If your mind keeps swinging between past and future, to be more precise keeps regretting over the past and is always apprehensive about the future, you are accumulating harmful toxins and they take a heavy toll on your "health". These toxins that we keep gathering result in stress.
So it doesn't mean that a physically fit person, will always be fit and free from the mind.

Stress testing is done on metals. To some degree they have the capability to withstand it, but at one point they break. Similarly, we have a degree of withstanding stress, but eventually we break.
Our mind swinging like a pendulum, in itself is like a disease and is the root cause of most of the ailments.

"Sri Sri says, we must guard our mind against the dirt thrown from outside."

We need to observe our mind, it keeps chattering all the time. :) There are only two instances when your mind is not chattering.

One.) When you are completely in the present. This happens when you are happy. This also happens when you are deeply immersed into something and working intently(working passinaltely ultimately makes you heppy).

Two.) When you are in deep sleep. :)

Sri YukteshwarGiri, the guru of Paramhansa Yogananda had rightly said:"Tender inner weaknesses, revolting at mild touches of censure, are like diseased parts of the body, recoiling before even delicate handling."
I interpret it as, the mind which starts oscillating and takes you on a ride even on a mild reprimand or rejection that you get from a situation or a person. Similar is the case when someone praises you, again you are unknowlingly taken on a ride!

There is something that shrinks in us when we feel sad and something expands when we are elated or excited. We need to observe it. :)

Learning the art of living in the present moment, will definitely help reduce stress. And the only thing that is always there in the present is our breath. In our entire life we fail to understand its importance.

So Know Breath.
Know Life.

Keep practising the wonderfully, powerful and sacred Sudarshan Kriya every single day and see your mind getting calm and composed.

And the grace magically flows in -or- the magic gracefully happens! ;)